Dr. Shawn Shih is a dermatologist practicing in New York City. He received his bachelor’s degree from University of California, Berkeley. He then completed his medical degree at University of Central Florida, College of Medicine. He completed an internship at his home program in Florida prior to dermatology residency at Boston University, where he trained with world experts in hair loss and skin of color. Dr. Shih was the recipient of the prestigious Skin of Color Society Research Award.
Dr. Shih is passionate about all aspects of medical dermatology, including eczema, psoriasis, acne, hair loss, hidradenitis suppurativa, skin cancers, and various other dermatologic conditions. He has special interests in skin of color and cosmetic dermatology, with the ultimate goal of making his patients look and feel more confident in their own skin. He has published book chapters and manuscripts in top peer reviewed dermatology journals.
While not seeing patients, Dr. Shih enjoys attending dermatology conferences across the country in order to deliver cutting edge treatments to his patients. Dr. Shih grew up in Taiwan and is a native speaker of Mandarin. In his spare time, Dr. Shih enjoys going to the gym, dancing, playing piano, and singing karaoke.