Laser Skin Resurfacing

laser skin resurfacing

Laser Skin Tightening in NYC

Laser skin resurfacing is a rejuvenation treatment aimed at tightening your skin and leaving you looking younger. Our 595nm Candela and carbon dioxide lasers leave the skin feeling smoother by removing age spots, sun damage, and diffuse redness. Uneven pigmentation is markedly reduced and superficial texture is smoothened. This unique technology carefully filters light to ensure that only clinically relevant wavelengths reach the skin, meaning optimum safety in the procedure. We cool surrounding tissue with liquid nitrogen while delivering powerful results where your dermis needs it most.

Skin rejuvenation is based on light absorption of melanin, water, and hemoglobin, therefore, treatments are effective at treating both brown and red spots on your face. Age spots contain a substance called melanin, and diffuse redness contains a substance called hemoglobin. When cells containing these substances are targeted with the pulsed dye and carbon dioxide lasers, they disappear almost immediately.

Recovery periods may include some mild bruising and swelling which can range from a few hours to a few days. This therapy, available in our New York City and Brooklyn dermatology offices, is suitable for all skin types. A full-face treatment should take less than 20 minutes and the skin will look revitalized after 1-3 treatments, depending on the depth of treatment required. There is no other post-treatment care required other than a sunscreen (minimum SPF30) for a week following treatment. We offer this rejuvenating treatment in all of our New York locations!