

If dynamic wrinkles and fine lines are your concern, Dysport®, available at any of your local The Dermatology Specialists (TDS) offices, may be the ideal solution for you.

What is Dysport®? 

Dysport® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment used to temporarily improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet. Similar to other neuromodulators like Botox and Jeuveau™, Dysport® works by relaxing the facial muscles that cause these lines, resulting in a smoother, more youthful facial appearance.

How Does Dysport® Work? 

The procedure for Dysport® injections is simple and minimally invasive:

  1. Consultation: Start with a consultation at one of our TDS offices. Our dermatology experts will evaluate your facial structure, discuss your aesthetic goals, and determine if Dysport® is the right choice for you.

    Preparation: On the day of your appointment, the area to be treated will be cleansed. Although the procedure is not painful, a topical numbing cream can be applied for your comfort.

    The Procedure: Dysport® is carefully injected into the targeted facial muscles using a fine needle. The entire process usually takes just 15 to 30 minutes.

    Recovery: One of the advantages of Dysport® is that there’s no downtime. You can immediately resume your daily activities, though we recommend avoiding vigorous exercise for 24 hours following the treatment.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dysport®? 

Dysport® is suitable for adults who want to reduce the appearance of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and lines, particularly around the forehead and eyes. Ideal candidates are in overall good health, have realistic expectations about the outcomes, and are not allergic to any ingredients in Dysport®.

What Are the Expected Results? 

The results from Dysport® injections typically become noticeable within a few days, with full effects apparent within a week or two. Patients can expect a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and a smoother, more refreshed look. The effects of Dysport® usually last for about three to four months, and maintenance treatments can prolong the aesthetic benefits.

Why Choose The Dermatology Specialists for Dysport®? 

At The Dermatology Specialists, we are committed to offering advanced cosmetic treatments in a comfortable and professional environment. Our team of dermatologists is highly experienced in administering Dysport® injections, ensuring a natural-looking and effective outcome. We provide personalized treatment plans, taking into account each patient’s unique facial anatomy and aesthetic goals.

Dysport® offers a non-surgical, quick, and effective way to rejuvenate your appearance by reducing unwanted wrinkles and lines. If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of Dysport® and determining if it’s the right choice for you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at any of our TDS offices. Experience the difference that expert care and the latest in cosmetic dermatology can make in enhancing your natural beauty.