Acne Scar Treatments

acne scar treatment before and after image

What’s worse than having a face full of painful, swollen acne?

The scars leftover when that acne finally starts to fade. Acne marks and scars can often cause more pain and discomfort than acne itself – and the pain they cause is oftentimes more emotional than it is physical.

That being said, they’re not permanent; not with all of the advanced acne scar treatments and procedures we offer to get rid of them.

What are acne scars?

Acne scars are marks of varying size, depths, and colors left over after acne has dissipated.

While you can’t always tell which pimple will leave an accompanying scar, you can do your part by leaving it alone and never picking at it. The more you contribute to its swelling, the  more likely it is to form a scar.

How do acne scars form?

Inflammation is really the catalyst when it comes to acne scars. You may have noticed that the bigger and worse a pimple is, the bigger and worse the scar is after the acne has faded away.

In order to understand how you can get rid of acne scars, you first have to learn what they are and how they form.

Typically, acne scars form due to trauma to the skin. The swelling, infection, and yes, even the popping of your pimples can cause damage to your skin cells, resulting in acne scarring.

Ultimately, acne scars form when there is a break in the follicle wall; your skin is damaged and your skin cell’s natural response to trauma is scarring.

What are the different types of acne scars?

Not all acne scars are alike. You’ve probably experienced a couple different types and therefore, are in need of unique acne scar treatments to heal them.

Ice Pick Scar – These are deep, narrow scars extending through the epidermis to the dermis.

Boxcar Scar – This type of acne scarring is annular or oval depressions, wider than ice picks, but now quite as deep.

Rolling Scar – You’ll recognize these scars by the wavelike undulations across otherwise healthy skin.

Keloid or Hypertrophic Scar – This type of acne scar is thick and raised, usually on the back or face.

How to remove acne scars

The age old question is finally receiving answers with increased medical and dermatological advances.

However, method for getting rid of acne scars varies depending on the type you have. One treatment will not work for all types of acne scarring and it’s always best to consult your trusted dermatologist in order to discover the best acne treatment for you.

Here are a few of our top acne scar treatments and how they can work to bring back your healthy skin.

Fillers for acne scars

Fillers are one of the best options if you have ice pick, boxcar, or rolling scars. These work to fill in the depressed areas of the skin to result in a smooth, even texture and appearance.

Microneedling for acne scars

You may have heard of this acne scar treatment option. It’s all the rage when it comes to repairing and regenerating your skin.

Here at my practice, our preferred method of treating acne scars is in the form of microneedling with PRP (platelet rich plasma). This allows for the best results using a combination of manual repair along with your body’s own natural healing mechanisms.

The way microneedling for acne scars works is by resurfacing your skin by exfoliating the top layer. This allows your skin to renew itself, expediting the process of your acne scars healing and fading over time.

This is best done by a practiced professional under controlled, specified regimens in order to achieve optimal results.

Laser surgery for acne scars

One of the best and most reliable acne scar treatment is using lasers. CO2 and PDL lasers, as well as fillers, are our top choices for treating certain types of acne scarring.

What these do is shed off the top layer of skin so new, fresh skin can reveal itself from beneath, whereas fillers are used to even the skin’s surface and rid it of deeper acne scars that may be more difficult to heal with other methods.

The new skin will show less scarring because it is newer and healed more than the top layer. Oftentimes, multiple treatments are needed in order to see maximum results.